By the Settimo Sigillo Kennel of Mrs Carmelina Galluccio in Maglie (LE) on 15th December 2001 was born our horse coat Shar-pei OLGA DEL SETTIMO SIGILLO.
Since then, “Olga” lives in San Marino by our kennel and it is become mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother of a lot of Mularoni’s House Shar-peis
Today OLGA blows out 10 candels!!!
Our Best Whishes to you Olga from all your Mularoni Family! Thanks a lot to Carmelina Galluccio!
Il 15 dicembre 2001 nasceva a Maglie (LE) presso l’allevamento di Carmelina Galluccio OLGA DEL SETTIMO SIGILLO. Femmina shar-pei pelo raso.
Da allora “Olga” vive a San Marino ed è diventata mamma, nonna, bisnonna, trisnonna di moltissini Shar.pei Mularoni’s House.
OGGI 15 dicembre 2011 “Olga” spegne 10 CANDELINE!!!!
AUGURONI OLGA… da tutta la banda shar.pei Mularoni’s House.
Grazie Carmelina !!!