Tag: Buone Feste

Happy Easter from Shar-pei Mularoni’s house – Rep. San MarinoFelice Pasqua dall’allevamento shar-pei Mularoni’s House – Rep.San Marino

La primavera è arrivata e con essa la Pasqua. Noi dell ‘allevamento Mularoni’s House auguriamo a tutti una FELICE PASQUA.

Buona Pasqua da Mularoni’s HouseHappy Easter from Sharpei Kennel San Marino

buona Pasqua dall’allevamento Shar-pei Mularoni’s House Rep.San Marino

Tanti Auguri di buone Feste da Shar-pei Mularoni’s HouseMerry Christmas and Happy New 2013 from Sharpei Kennel Mularoni’s House


Allevamento shar-pei Mularoni’s House rep San marino vi augura Buone Feste

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012 !!!Buone Feste, tanti Auguri !!!


The Mularoni’s House Kennel wish to all the dogs and human friends Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year! At the same time we remind you that one of our males puppies are still available. For any information or appointment please email us at: fabiom@omniway.sm or call: +378 0549878177; Mob. +39 3385000005 elena; Mob. +39 …

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