La primavera è arrivata e con essa la Pasqua. Noi dell ‘allevamento Mularoni’s House auguriamo a tutti una FELICE PASQUA.
Tag: Buone Feste
Happy Easter from Shar-pei Mularoni’s house – Rep. San MarinoFelice Pasqua dall’allevamento shar-pei Mularoni’s House – Rep.San Marino
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012 !!!Buone Feste, tanti Auguri !!!
The Mularoni’s House Kennel wish to all the dogs and human friends Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year! At the same time we remind you that one of our males puppies are still available. For any information or appointment please email us at: or call: +378 0549878177; Mob. +39 3385000005 elena; Mob. +39 …