Tag: cuccioli shar-pei

Shar-pei wrinkles Le pieghe dello shar-pei

Zhuanshi Mularoni's house

Must you frequently clean the Shar-pei wrinkles? No. Shar-Pei does not require any special treatment when bathing. Like any other breed, you must thoroughly rinse the shampoo from the coat and wrinkles. Although Shar-Pei hate water, they are easily trained to stand for a bath. Because they are fastidiously clean, they greatly appreciate how they …

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012 !!!Buone Feste, tanti Auguri !!!


The Mularoni’s House Kennel wish to all the dogs and human friends Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year! At the same time we remind you that one of our males puppies are still available. For any information or appointment please email us at: fabiom@omniway.sm or call: +378 0549878177; Mob. +39 3385000005 elena; Mob. +39 …

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available 1 Shar-pei puppy maledisponibile 1 maschio cucciolo shar-pei presso Allevamento Mularoni’s House

by our Mularoni’s House Kennel in San Marino. one male puppy shar-pei is available . he was  born on 24th September 2011 . For any information please contact, email Or get in touch with Elena at num: +39 338/5000005  home: +378 0549/878177 1 maschio cucciolo shar-pei nato il 24 settembre 2011 presso allevamento Mularoni’s House …

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Here are three Shar-pei puppies (3 months old)Ecco i cuccioli Shar-pei a tre mesi di età

cuccioli mularonis house shar-pei

These wonderful Shar-pei puppies have been delivered to their owners during these days. The puppies are 3 months old and weigh 5 kgs each. They are already weaned, microchipped and examined by the veterinary. They got 2 vaccinations and 3 times dewormed. Then, they are ready to be pampered . . . we present you: …

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