Here there are the Mularoni’s House puppies sons of Babaocha Mularoni’s House & Mark (Stoneys True Mark of the League) !!! They were born on 1st October and now are 1 month old. They grow well and are very promising. Eccoli qua i cuccioli Mularoni’s House figli di Babaocha Mularoni’s House e di Mark (Stoneys …
Tag: cuccioli shar-pei
A new home for the Mularoni’ s House Shar-pei puppiesNuova casa per i cuccioli shar-pei Mularoni’ s House
All the Shar-pei puppies sons of Mahua Mularoni’s House & Mark Stoneys born on 28th July 2010, starting from today – 3rd October 2010 – have a new family that will grow and love them. Tutti i cuccioli shar-pei figli di Mahua Mularoni’s House e di Mark Stoneys, nati il 28 luglio 2010, da oggi …
1st October 2010: were born 6 Mularoni’s House Shar-pei puppies 1° ottobre 2010 : sono nati 6 cuccioli shar-pei Mularoni’s House
By the Mularoni’s House Kennel from the Republic of San Marino, on 1st October 2010 were born 6 wonderful Shar-pei puppies: 4 males & 2 females. From milti Ch.Babaocha Mularoni’s House (dame) & multi Ch. Stoneys True Mark of the League (sire) For any information or appointment please do not esitate to contact us: …
The Mularoni’s House Shar-pei puppies are growing!!!I cuccioli shar-pei Mularoni’s house crescono !!!
Here below a series of pictures of shar-pei puppies at 60 days old. Born on 26th June 2010, from Bingtag Hulu Mularoni’s House & Stoneys True Mark of the Legaue Ecco una serie di foto dei cuccioli shar-pei a 60 giorni di età nati il 26 giugno 2010 da Bingtag Hulu Mularoni’s House e da …