Tag: mularoni’s house

shar-pei mularoni’s house pregnant futura cucciolata shar-pei Mularoni’s House in arrivo

shar-pei in arrivo a San Marino da un accoppiamento fantastico. mamma nera e papa’ roso fulvo

Happy EasterFelice Pasqua da Shar-pei Mularoni’s House

Happy Easter from Shar-pei Kennel Rep.San MarinoFelice Pasqua dall’ allevamento shar-pei Mularoni’s House Rep.San Marino

shar-pei puppies coming sooncuccioli shar-pei presto in arrivo

entro il mese di maggio arriverranno presso allevamento shar-pei Mularoni di San Marino

season Greatings from Mularoni’s House shar-peiAuguri di fine anno da Shar-pei Mularoni’s House

We are preparing to close the most of this in 2016 in the best way. For us 2016 was a year full of emotions and things that happened. We build our future and your work seriously, and we think we have made many people and families happy. We breed shar-peis for several years and plan …

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