Tag: mularoni’s house

10th Birthday of Shar-pei Olga del Settimo Sigillo!!!COMPLEANNO SHAR-PEI Olga del Settimo Sigillo oggi compie 10 anni !!!

olga del settimo sigillo

By the Settimo Sigillo Kennel of Mrs  Carmelina Galluccio in Maglie (LE) on 15th December 2001 was born our horse coat Shar-pei OLGA DEL SETTIMO SIGILLO. Since then, “Olga” lives in San Marino by our kennel and it is become mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother of a lot of Mularoni’s House Shar-peis Today OLGA blows out …

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available 1 Shar-pei puppy maledisponibile 1 maschio cucciolo shar-pei presso Allevamento Mularoni’s House

by our Mularoni’s House Kennel in San Marino. one male puppy shar-pei is available . he was  born on 24th September 2011 . For any information please contact, email Or get in touch with Elena at num: +39 338/5000005  home: +378 0549/878177 1 maschio cucciolo shar-pei nato il 24 settembre 2011 presso allevamento Mularoni’s House …

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Trip to Sicily of the Mularoni’s House shar-peiTrasferta in Sicilia degli shar-pei Mularoni’s House

In occasion of the festivity of the first days of November, 2 Mularoni’s House shar-pei went to Sicily by camper with Elena e Lamberto. We left on Thursday and arrived on Friday directly to the International Dog show in Messina. Car ferry CARONTE in the straits of Messina   On Saturday 31 st October, International …

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Shar-pei Specialty in Bastia Umbra (PG), 2011Speciale Shar-pei Bastia Umbra PG 2011

Shar-pei maschio Chia Mularoni's House

The Mularoni’s House kennel has taken part to the International Dogshow in Bastia on 9th October 2011, in occasion of the Shar-pei Specialty. One of ours Shar-pei, Chia Mualroni’s House (male), was placed 2nd in Intermediate class. The female Ginger Peis Halle Berry was placed 3rd in Young Class. L’allevamento Mularoniìs House si è presentato …

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